It’s so funny to see so many people say that they remember it being “Berenstein”. The kit and book was pretty old and well-used so I just figured that page may have fallen out. I was sitting on top of our steep driveway and looking up at the sky. Other memories I have different from the current version: – chartreuse is reddish purple. I don’t believe in alternate timelines. Even Wikipedia comments about the confusion (or, in our terms: alternate memories) about the Sara Lee slogan. – Jiffy peanut butter – Sex IN the city. Justin Danger — and others — the regular Jewish references amaze me. How would the process of transfer even recognize humans? That’s what’s more interesting… for me, anyway. The popular book series was cherished by many as children and in some cases, treated as a precious family heirloom. Nelson Mandela actually died in prison. I think the most likely explanation for all of this stuff is a particular kind of memory problem. Make sense of the world however you want. This stuck with me because I thought it was odd and also because I always wanted to know how to properly spell things(really, I won the spelling bee every year). However, the theory that it was never Berenstein to begin with creeps me out majorly. Your email address, “thisisstupid…” leads me to suspect your real name isn’t Amber. Really mom? I definitely remember the repetitive ‘e’ in the word. ), I came on here to relate a story and immediately I saw this, the blood ran out of my head, pretty freaky mang. We focus on the possible incidents, influences, and significances of the Mandela Effect. Is that merely a faulty memory? Every single person I have talked to swears it was spelled ‘Berenstein Bears” . 09/19/1985: Michael J Fox- star of Back to the Future. Critical skeptics and self-doubters might suggest the image had been Photoshopped. If you continue to use this website, I’ll assume you have read & agree with our terms of use and policies. Including the Berenstein Bears. Oh yeah, crossword significance “Eli” (El). Billy Graham’s funeral is clear as day because of insane amount of makeup on Tammy as they interviewed her. Most of the discrepancies I’ve seen described involve elements where a large number of people have been attentively focused on the same thing: a famous person’s death (Mandela, Ernest Borgnine, Princess Diana, Kirk Douglas), or shared educational “study” (the number of Mars’ moons, the location of New Zealand, Berenst*in), for examples. I also remember it clearly being Berenstein. What I don’t know is what those phenomena might be. I was always a great reader. So, I won’t rule out a very logical, normal explanation for that memory. But many rationalists believed that the image was photoshopped and photo forensics proved the same. Probably conflated with its competitor Skippy; possibly a brand of PB that some of America has never known — but between Jiffy Pop, Jiffy Lube, and Jiffy baking mix, it’s easy to see why the name is ingrained in so many minds. A year or so ago I saw a picture that was a parody of the bears, gathering around eating candy “The Berenstain Bears are HIGH AS F***” and I thought, that’s funny, why does it say STAIN instead of STEIN. I’ll do my best to launch a poll relating age & Berenst_in spellings. I can’t remember how the Berenstain Bears name was spelt, but after reading these theorys i can say I’ve always pronounced it “stein” or “steen” even my older sister. – Gordon’s fish sticks, not Gorton’s. I may have seen the painting there, and — when it was exposed as a fake — the painting vanished along with all records of it. 1985 was one of the years I listed.

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