In her book, she describes a woman's life in the 1950's as completely centred around being a mother and housewife. Betty Friedan (February 4, 1921–February 4, 2006) was an author and activist whose seminal 1963 book " The Feminine Mystique " is credited with helping spark the modern feminist movement in the United States. Women would follow this new life plan if society paved the way for it. Parents and churches, she hoped, would fully imbibe her career-focused worldview, thereby altering their expectations as they raised girls to a new womanhood. Las feministas liberales buscan la igualdad de derechos de la mujer frente al hombre, mientras que las feministas radicales van más allá y quieren romper el sistema patriarcal en el que vivimos. These efforts met with mixed success. En 1963 escribió el ensayo Mística de la feminidad, en el que critica el rol femenino en la sociedad contemporánea, ya que provoca numerosas formas de … By the late 19th century, feminist activism was primarily focused on the right to vote. Nació el 4 de Febrero de 1921 en Peoria, Illinois y murió a los 85 años el 4 de febrero de 2006 en Washington D.C, hace hoy 10 años. "Men are not the enemy, but the fellow victims. The ideal life as mother and wife toward which women had been educated was debilitating and false, Friedan argued, and women who lived such a life were not really happy or fulfilled, no matter what they thought. In each of these cases and in many others, NOW gained the EEOC’s attention, and companies were required to change their practices under threat of legal penalty. El caso es que la autora, (¿felizmente?) Además, se refirió al llamado "malestar sin nombre" que se daba en las mujeres acomodadas de Estados Unidos, donde existían altas tasas de depresión, suicidios y alcoholismo, paradójicamante, en mujeres que vivían de forma cómoda, sin tener que trabajar: pero con un enorme vacío, sentimiento de inutilidad y aburrimiento. They were romantically and sexually passive, allowing men to take the initiative. That law established an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to investigate illegal discrimination. NOW also called for opening up the priesthood to women and the removal of sex segregation in religious organizations and church-sponsored schools in the hope that private organizations could be pressured to abandon their commitment to the feminine mystique. ¡Cuánta arrogancia blanca incluida en una sola frase! The EEOC was, from NOW’s perspective, more interested in racial discrimination than it was in sexual discrimination. Cuando Betty concluye al final: «No podía definir la liberación para las mujeres en términos que negaran (…) nuestra necesidad de amar a un hombre, e incluso a veces de depender de él. Fue una teórica y líder del movimiento feminista estadounidense de los años 60 y 70. She also served as a delegate to several United Nations conferences on women’s rights. Psychology interested Friedan, she later wrote, because it taught the powerful role of social forces in determining the habits of mind and self-image of each individual. He denied both charges, suggesting that she was not an easy woman to get along with.REF, The women’s movement became increasingly radical in the 1970s. It examines issues related to women’s lives on an international basis. ir a una reestructuración del pensamiento en lo que tiene que ver con los cuidados familiares, compartir las responsabilidades familiares”. Betty Friedan wrote the book "The Feminine Mystique" which ignited the contemporary women's movement in 1963. She died on February 4, 2006, in Washington, D.C., on her 85th birthday. En los años setenta planteó diversas luchas para la aprobación de las leyes sobre el aborto, el trabajo femenino y sobre los derechos de las mujeres en general. Betty Friedan launched modern feminism, arguably the most influential and successful intellectual movement of the 20th century. She graduated from Smith summa cum laude in 1942. Investing great hope in a job while pointing people away from deep obligations in family life compromises the joy and contentment of most people. Friedan supposedly knew that these were myths because she knew the truth that the good life was one of radical individual independence and “self-actualization” best gained through participation in creative work. La raíz del problema el patriarcado, el sistema de dominación del hombre sobre la mujer, que se produce en todos los ámbitos de la vida: familiar, política, económica, social, científica. Her Feminine Mystique aimed to expose previous generations of women as unwittingly guided by a “mystique” or a set of myths that drew them to motherhood and domestic life. Betty Friedan y los grandes tochos del feminismo blanco. As Friedan famously warned, “Women who ‘adjust’ as housewives, who grow up wanting to be ‘just a housewife,’ are in as much danger as the millions who walked to their own death in the concentration camps—and the millions more who refused to believe that the concentration camps existed.”REF. As Friedan wrote in the last triumphant preface to a new edition of The Feminine Mystique (1997), men and conservatives are always ready for a “last desperate attempt to turn the clock back.”REF. The second-wave slogan, “The Personal is Political,” identified women’s cultural and political inequalities as inextricably linked and encouraged women to understand how their personal lives reflected sexist power structures. Yet despite later worries and qualifications, Friedan’s initial ideas remained more influential than her change of heart. Friedan’s late-life reservations contrast with her earlier radical principles. Independent women of the future would be prepared for careers instead of domesticity. This is its greatest, most long-lasting success—but it also causes social problems and personal unhappiness for many women. It can also be seen in the instability or fragility of marriage and family life. Los documentos de investigación sobre Betty Friedan y discutir la vida y la carrera de uno de los miembros más prominentes del movimiento feminista americano. The women’s movement, she worried, was becoming “anti-love, anti-child.” Should it go too far down that road, “we are not going to have the power of the women and the help of increasing numbers of men who can identify their liberation with women’s liberation.”REF. El feminismo, ese que se nombra a sí mismo en singular, se empeña (craso error) en hacer del género la única violencia, y es el responsable, desde mi punto de vista, de la errónea y terrible conclusión política de que el feminismo es cosa de mujeres. The third wave, beginning in the 1990s, refers to a continuation of, and a reaction to, second-wave feminism. El feminismo liberal describe la situación de las mujeres como una desigualdad, no como una explotación u opresión. En octubre de 1966 Betty Friedan fundó el NOW - National Organization for Women, organización que reunió un gran número de colectivos y grupos feministas de Estados Unidos. Education aimed at encouraging girls to be mothers and wives was part of the feminine mystique and hence created a false, debilitating identity for women raised under it. Later, she held that central elements of the old mystique—love, intimacy, maternity—were more than myths: Each could be a desirable human experience involving dependence on others and limits on human choice.

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