Out of the 31 lizards examined, one female and one male had empty stomachs (9.1% among females; 5.9% among males and 6.4% of all lizards). 4 th ed., Prentice Hall, Inc. Upper Saddle River. Differences in the mean number and volume of prey consumed between adult males and females were tested by t-test (Zar, 1999). [ Links ], VITT, L. J., 1991, An introduction of the ecology of cerrado lizards. We related the lizard´s jaw width (JW) and snout-vent length (SVL) to the number of prey and to mean length (mm) and volume (mm3) of the five largest prey using regression analyses (Zar, 1999). Australian Journal of Ecology, 19: 72-75. A dieta não diferiu entre os machos e as fêmeas. Moreover, the size of feeding structures can influence or at least, limit the type and size of prey that may be ingested. Belo Horizonte, dezembro de 2003. J. Ecology, 51: 703-720. Termites (48.7%) and larvae (35.5%) were the most important prey items which occurred in the examined lizards´ stomachs. Herpetol., 28(3): 292-294. : Standard Common and Current Scientific Names for North American Amphibians and Reptiles, Third Edition : Page(s): ii + 41 : Publisher: Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles : Publication Place: Teiids, as actively foraging lizards, constantly tongue-flick while foraging to chemically detect and recognize prey before attacking (Cooper, 1990). The correlates of foraging mode in a community of Brazilian lizards. The lack of relationship between the number, length or volume of prey and morphological variables of C. littoralis may result from the predominance of termites in its diet. Os conteúdos estomacais foram removidos, analisados e identificados no nível de Ordem. & PIANKA, E. R., 1981, Ecological consequences of foraging mode. Las direcciones de las páginas web y las de correo se convierten en enlaces automáticamente. Scincidae Teiidae Cnemidophorus Cnemidophorus lemniscatus X X X X X X X X X X Diversidad de especies de Reptiles Foi encontrado também no estômago de um macho adulto de C. littoralis um jovem lagarto gekkonídeo crepuscular/noturno Hemidactylus mabouia intacto e não digerido, o que indica C. littoralis como uma fonte de mortalidade para indivíduos de H. mabouia na restinga de Jurubatiba. Centro Editorial da Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ. Acknowledgments — This study is a part of the results of the "Programa de Pesquisas Ecológicas de Longa Duaração - PELD/CNPq of SITE # 05" developed in the Restinga in Jurubatiba and supported by CNPq and part of the "Programa de Ecologia, Conservação e Manejo de Ecossistemas do Sudeste Brasileiro" and of the Southeastern Brazilian Vertebrate Ecology Project (Laboratory of Vertebrate Ecology), of the Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. As a result, mouth size may affect diet composition which may result in differences between males and females and/or between the young and adults (Preest, 1994; Teixeira-Filho et al., 2003). Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, Norman, Oklahoma. [ Links ], SUGUIO, K. & TESSLER, M. G., 1984. We observed ten different individuals following each for the maximum observation time of 10 min (totalling 5,493 s of observation). J. The study was carried out in March, 1999 and January, 2000 at the restinga de Jurubatiba (22° 17' S, 41° 41' W), Macaé, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. [ Links ], PREEST, M. R., 1994. Saltos automáticos de líneas y de párrafos. Esta página se editó por última vez el 16 sep 2019 a las 17:54. Se puede observar el especimen en Museo de Herpetología de la Universidad de Antioquia (MHUA): MHUA 11503 Cnemidophorus lemniscatus. & KARASOV, W. H., 1981, Contrasts in energy intake and expenditure in sit-and-wait and widely foraging lizards. In restinga habitats, H. mabouia was previously found in the diet of the tropidurid lizard Tropidurus torquatus (Araújo, 1991) and of the colubrid snakes Oxyrhopus guibei (Colubridae) and Thamnodynastes cf. It can be found in the restinga of Barra de Maricá northwards to the restinga of Grussaí in the north of Rio de Janeiro State (about 200 km of coast). 32-56. Oecologia, 49: 67-72. Lizards (N = 31) were collected with rubber bands and air rifles. pp. [ Links ], DIAS, E. J. R., 2002. We provide additional dietary data about the C. littoralis from the restinga in Jurubatiba, Macaé Municipality, RJ to broaden our understanding of the feeding ecology of this species. [ Links ], ZAR, J. H., 1999, Biostatistical Analysis. Adult females measured 60.7 ± 3.7 mm (range 52.0 – 66.0, N = 11), adult males measured 64.4 ± 7.1 mm (range 49.4 – 76.1, N = 17) and juveniles measured 42.3 ± 5.3 mm (range 37.4 – 48.0, N = 3). All prey were measured for width and length using a Vernier caliper (to the nearest 0.1 mm) and their volume (in mm3) was calculated using the elipsoid formula: 4/3p (length/2) (width/2)2 (Vitt, 1991). Cnemidophorus lemniscatus (Linnaeus, 1758) - rainbow whiptail Cnemidophorus leucopsammus Ugueto & Harvey, 2010 Cnemidophorus murinus ( Laurenti , 1768) - Laurent's whiptail [2]​ Su rango altitudinal oscila entre 100 y 400 msnm. Occ Pap Okla Mus Nat Hist, 1: 1-29. A similar trend was found by Teixeira-Filho et al. The Importance index showed that termites and larvae were the most important prey (Table 1). Sexual size dimorphism and feeding energetics in Anolis carolinensis: Why do females take smaller prey than males? [ Links ], COOPER JR., W. E., 1990, Prey odor detection by teiid and lacertid lizards and the relationship of prey odor detection to foraging mode in lizard families. The diet of C. littoralis in the restinga de Jurubatiba was similar to that usually found in other Cnemidophorus species in Brazil (e.g. Journal of Herpetology, 25(1): 79-90. Herpetologica, 41: 324-332. The stomach contents were removed, analyzed and identified to the Order level. Termites (68.0%), larvae (61.0%) and cockroaches (22.6%) were the most frequent items found in the stomachs (Table 1). Cupins (48,7%) e larvas (35,5%) foram os itens de presas mais importantes nos estômagos dos lagartos examinados. Each lizard had its snout-vent length (mm) and jaw width (mm) measured with a Vernier caliper (to the nearest 0.1 mm) and was immediately fixed in 10% formalin. 2016.pdf However, in the genus Cnemidophorus in Brazil, only C. lemniscatus was previously reported eating hatchlings of sympatric lizards (Magnusson & Silva, 1993).

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