Juana’s jealousy was slowly beginning to drive her mad and became visible in actions such as her attacking with a comb one of the court’s women, whom she suspected of having an affair with Felipe (or pulling out her hair with her hands, depending on which internet source you believe). Música en la corte de Felipe el Hermoso y Juana I de Castilla Song book of Joan the Mad Liederbuch Johannas der Wahnsinnigen Note Includes musical transcription in modern notation of the facsimile of the 16th-century ms. in the Bibliothèque royale de Belgique. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Browse related items. Sepulcro de Juana la Loca y Felipe el Hermoso en Granada (By Javi Guerra Hernando - Wikimedia Commons) A estas alturas quizá se pregunten si Juana … It will be interesting to see what happens to him as the country becomes disenchanted with Spain’s monarchy (the King breaking his leg while shooting elephants in Botswana in the middle of the crisis, his son-in-law being judged for corruption and his nephew shooting himself in the foot, literally. La armería de Felipe el Hermoso. I could have also talked about Felipe González, who played an important part in post-Franco politics as the leader of the PSOE, the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party. Felipe, el hermoso? It suited Felipe, who already owned a few dukedoms, (Luxembourg and Flanders amongst others) and was hungry for power, just fine. El rey ha muerto, el rey continúa presente. Margarita de Borgoña, señora de Luis X de Francia, ya rey de Navarra (por su madre Juana I de Navarra), y Blanca de Borgoña (v. 1296-1326), mujer de Carlos (futuro Carlos IV de Francia) fueron denunciadas por Isabel de Francia, hija de Felipe el Hermoso y reina de Inglaterra. This arranged marriage protected their kingdoms from the French threat. Felipe I de Castilla, llamado «el Hermoso» (Brujas, 22 de julio de 1478-Burgos, 25 de septiembre de 1506), fue duque titular de Borgoña —como Felipe IV—, Brabante, Limburgo y Luxemburgo, conde de Flandes, Habsburgo, Henao, Holanda y Zelanda, Tirol y Artois, y señor de Amberes y Malinas, entre otras ciudades, entre 1482 y 1506, y rey iure uxoris de Castilla (1506) por su matrimonio con Juana, hija y heredera de los Reyes Católicos después de la muerte de sus hermanos los infantes Juan e Isabel. En 1496 contrajo matrimonio con Felipe el Hermoso, archiduque de However, King Fernando was not able to hang on to Castille for very long, and soon Felipe became the ruler of Spain. 11:27. Una vinculación existencial y estética hacia 1500. When the Queen of Castille, one of Spain’s biggest kingdoms, died in 1504, Felipe began to lick his lips as he saw himself sitting comfortably on the throne next to his wife Juana, who would inherit the land. There’s no accounting for taste. Tras la Concordia de Villafáfila en el año 1506, Fernando II de Aragón marchaba de nuevo a su reino, dejando el gobierno de Castilla en manos de Felipe el hermoso y su hija Juana.. El gobierno de estos monarcas será muy efímero en el tiempo, pues a comienzos de septiembre del año 1507, el monarca comenzó a tener unas fiebres muy altas que provocaron su muerte el 25 de dicho mes. JUANA I DE CASTILLA Por nacimiento, fue infanta de Castilla y Aragón. Felipe el Hermoso heads a story of intrigue, scandal and power struggle. There were rumours that the mad Queen asked for Felipe’s heart to be taken out of his body, so it would not belong to anyone else. Poisoned? However, the Queen had asked in her will that the throne remain with her husband Fernando if Juana showed any signs of madness.

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