> 10°C, Cold average temp. Multicoloured Asian lady beetle (Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773)) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) for the first time in the fauna of Latvia. H. axyridis undergo a holometabolous (complete metamorphosis) life cycle consisting of egg, four larval instars, pre-pupa, pupa and adult. Harmonia axyridis (harlequin ladybird); pupae of H. axyridis are exposed and the exuvium of the fourth instar remains attached posteriorly to the pupa at the point of substrate attachment. Beneficial organisms associated with ornamental pests. 44 (5), 239-242. Life cycle of Harmonia axyridis (Col. Coccinellidae) in its area of introduction: south-eastern France. Predicting the potential geographic distribution of the harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis, using the CLIMEX model. Ecological network analysis provides opportunities for exploration of such complex interactions (Roy and Handley, 2012). H. axyridis has recently been designated pest status of fruit production and processing (Koch, 2003). Essa joaninha é um predador voraz, e portanto, popular e eficaz no controle biológico. 5 (2), 94-96. Plant Health Progress, October:1-5. http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/sub/php/research/2006/lady/, Galvan TL, Burkness EC, Hutchison WD, 2007. The large aggregations of H. axyridis formed during the autumn and winter in buildings are regarded as a nuisance because of the  propensity to swarm, and associated implications. The occurrence of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Canada. Fauna Japonica, Coccinellidae (Insecta:Coleoptera). Further evidence to support the eurytopic nature of H. axyridis comes from its extensive native Asian range and its recent successful dispersal across North America and throughout Europe (Brown et al., 2008a). Arrival, establishment, and habitat use of the multicolored Asian lady beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in a Michigan landscape. Journal of Insect Behavior, 14(3):373-384; 32 ref, Yasuda H, Ohnuma N, 1999. In-field monitoring of beneficial insect populations in transgenic corn expressing a Bacillus thuringiensis toxin. This indicates the late activity of H. axyridis; all native British aphidophagous coccinellids disperse to overwintering sites from September to October. It is not yet known whether H. axyridis in other parts of the world harbour male-killers. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0082278, Kajita Y, Takano F, Yasuda H, Agarwala BK, 2000. The beetles are 5-8mm long and 4-6.5mm wide. One of the limiting factors of using insecticides is that many of them, e.g. Pesticides should always be used in a lawful manner, consistent with the product's label. A 9-year study in agricultural landscapes in Michigan showed that populations of Brachiacantha ursina, Cycloneda munda and Chilocorus stigma had all declined following the establishment of H. axyridis (Colunga-Garcia and Gage, 1998). 15 (6), 12-13. Journal of Entomological Science, 38(3):477-480, Koch RL, Hutchison WD, Venette RC, Heimpel GE, 2003. Natural Enemies of Insects (Kunchong Tiandi), 5(2):94-96, Ferry N, Raemaekers RJM, Majerus MEN, Jouanin L, Port G, Gatehouse JA, Gatehouse AMR, 2003. It is proposed that H. axyridis is likely to have a negative effect on other aphidophages in three ways: resource competition, intraguild predation and intra-specific competition. Genus:Harmonia. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 104:705, Yasuda H, Kikuchi T, Kindlmann P, Sato S, 2001. The closely related species, Harmonia quadripunctata, has a chromosome number of 7 (2n =14). However, H. axyridis is a difficult target for classical biological control, firstly because the invasion of H. axyridis is, in itself, most probably the result of bad biological control practices and, secondly, because specific biological control agents may be difficult to find in the area of origin. Just 2 years after H. axyridis had initially established in Georgia, its spread was documented throughout the entire state and into the neighbouring states of Florida and South Carolina (Tedders and Schaefer, 1994). In Japan, it has been reported that H. axyridis repeatedly arrived in lucerne (Medicago sativa) fields a short time after a number of other ladybirds, allowing H. axyridis to feed on the prepupae and pupae of other coccinellids (Takahashi, 1989). For example, only f. conspicua, f. spectabilis, and forms of the succinea complex have been recorded in the UK: f. axyridis, which is the predominant form over large parts of central Russia, and the rarer Asian forms have not been found (Majerus and Roy, 2006). Occurrence of coccinelid predators in nectarine orchards in the municipality of Araucária, Paraná. Adult H. axyridis are highly polymorphic for both colour and pattern (Majerus and Roy, 2006). Brown and Miller (1998) found that the abundance of native coccinellids in apple (Malus domestica) orchards in West Virginia decreased over a 13-year period following the establishment of both Coccinella septempunctata (an introduced species in the USA) and H. axyridis. So traits that are considered favourable in terms of potential for controlling pest insects in crop and horticultural systems will, in other habitats, contribute to a reduction in biodiversity and concomitant declines in native beneficial predators and parasitoids of aphids and coccids. Relative toxicity of six insecticides to Cycloneda sanguinea and Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 23:497-499, Almeida LM de, Silva VB da, 2002. The adults are 5-8 mm long and 4-6.5 mm wide. Intraguild predation by Harmonia axyridis: effects on native enemies and aphid suppression. C-value estimates for 31 specis of ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). H. axyridis could be confused with a number of other polymorphic species from the Coccinellidae such as the two-spot ladybird, Adalia bipunctata, or ten-spot ladybird, Adalia decimpunctata. As the environmental conditions become favourable for activity in the spring, these ladybirds undertake another dispersal flight to seek food and suitable host plants on which to breed (LaMana and Miller, 1996). British and Japanese coccinellid eggs. This is adaptive because darker colours absorb more heat allowing faster adult development and earlier eclosion in cool conditions (Hodek, 1958; Majerus, 1994; Michie et al., 2011). (8–10 mm). Journal of Food Science, 70(2):S128-S135, Poinar GO Jr, Steenberg T, 2012. Occurrence and contribution of alkyl methoxypyrazines in wine tainted by. The pupal colour of H. axyridis ranges from almost completely orange to almost completely black, depending on temperature; the lower the temperature experienced by a final-instar larva, the darker the pupa that is produced. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University - Agricultural Science.

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