Mayor's Decree No. Administrative Resolution No. Ordinance 546 / MM – modifies the internal regulations of the Miraflores Municipal Council. 029-2020. Ministerial Resolution Ministerial Resolution No. 000152-2020-DGIA / MC – extends suspension of deadlines for the submission of applications for economic stimuli of arts. 283-2020-MINSA, Ministerial Resolution No. 215-2020-MINSA - modifies the Regulation of Law No. 001-2020-GRA / CR - modifies the internal regulations of the Regional Council of the Ancash Regional Government. Supreme Decree 8-2020-MTC/Decreto Supremo 8-2020-MTC – flights from Europe and Asia suspended for 30 days starting 16 March. Supreme Decree No. Supreme Decree 15-2020-TR - modifies articles 3, 5 and 7 of Supreme Decree 11-2020-TR. 079-2020-MIDIS, Ministerial Resolution No. Emergency Decree No. Ordinance No. Presidential resolution 49-2020-ATU/PE/Resolución de Presidencia Ejecutiva 49-2020-ATU/PE – measures to reduce spread in public transport. Ministerial Resolution No. 039-2020-SUNEDU-CD, Legislative Resolution of Congress N ° 002-2020-2021-CR, Superintendency Resolution No. Resolution SBS 1960-2020 - extends the term of validity of the intervention regime of the judicial branch determined by Resolution SBS 6128-2019, extended by Resolution SBS 601-2020 and suspended by Resolutions SBS 1259-2020, 1268-2020, 1280-2020, 1311 -2020, 1356-2020, 1407-2020, 1537-2020 and 1753-2020, for a period of 90 additional calendar days, with said regime being extended until 11/05/2020. VENTANILLA ÚNICA DE TURISMO - VUT © Copyright 2015 MINCETUR Todos los derechos reservados Mayor's Decree 4-2020-MDC - approves the prevention guidelines against covid-19 in supply markets in the Comas district. 610-2020-MP-FN - issues provisions aimed at optimising benefit exchanges in the national health system that allow the adequate and full provision of health care and prevention services for people infected and at risk of infection by covid-19. 1470 - establishes specific measures to reinforce the state's action to guarantee attention to cases of violence against women and family members. Legislative Decree No. Legislative Decree No. 056-2020 – establishes measures that allow entities under the jurisdiction of the Superintendency of the Securities Market to convene and hold shareholders 'meetings and bondholders' meetings in person or virtually. Ministerial Resolution No. 009-2020-PRODUCE - modifies Supreme Decree N ° 011-2017-PRODUCE. Supreme Decree N° 044-2020-PCM – national state of emergency for 15 days and social isolation. Ordinance 459-MDS - establishes biosecurity measures for the prevention and mitigation of covid-19 in various establishments and incorporates sanctions into the administrative sanctions application regulation. Administrative Resolution 190-2020-CE-PJ - approves the protocol to adapt the procedures of the corporate labour module (MCL). 007-2020-HOUSING - amends the regulation of Law No. 026-2020. Regional Ordinance 22-2020-GRH-CR - approves modification of the Internal Regulations of the Regional Council of the Huánuco Regional Government (development of virtual sessions). 255-2020-MINSA – establishes guidelines for strengthening response actions in health facilities, health networks and mobile offer against covid-19. 0260-2020-MTC / 01, Ministerial Resolution No. 031-2020 / SIS, General Management Resolution Nº 055-2020-PROMPERÚ / GG, Administrative Resolution No. 137-2020-PRODUCE – establishes sanitary operation protocols in the production sector for the gradual and incremental start of activities producing textiles, clothings and electronic goods for the home. 0258-2020-MTC / 01 – approves various sectoral health protocols under the scope of the transport and communications sector. 225-2020-MINSA - declares a red alert in health facilities. 042-2020-COFOPRI / DE – implements the use of the "Virtual Parts Table (MPV)" and approves the user guide. 006-2020-INACAL / DN, Superintendency Resolution No. 161-2020-MINSA, Ministerial Resolution No. Ordinance 433-MVES - facilitates the development of economic activities in the district through the change of business, incorporation of related and complementary business and simultaneous and additional activities. 095-2020-MINAM, Ministerial Resolution No. General Secretariat Resolution 46-2020 / DP-SG – approves the directive for the use of the virtual table of parties and electronic notification system of the ombudsman". 265-2020-MINSA, Ministerial Resolution No. 00045-2020-CD / OSIPTEL – establishes additional measures for the provision of public telecommunications services. Ministerial Resolution 112-2020-PCM – provides list of projects of the authority for reconstruction with changes for phase one of the resumption of activities. Supreme Decree 225-2020-EF - approves the regulations of the Entrepreneur MIPYME Fund and the Entrepreneur MIPYME Management Committee. Ministerial Resolution No. Preguntas frecuentes | 045-2020 - modifies of article 11 of Emergency Decree No. Board of Directors Resolution 73-2020-OS / CD – provides temporary procedure for the calculation of the average price of gas (PMG) and average cost of transportation (CMT) applicable in the billing of natural gas distribution concessions. 059-2020-PCM to distribute donations from the private sector directly to the vulnerable population. 057-2020-OSCE/PRE – extends the validity of certifications of professionals and technicians working in the bodies in charge of contracting public entities until 31 July 2020. 000146-2020-P-CSJLI-PJ, Administrative Resolution No. 001-2020-SUNAFIL / OGA called “Procedure to access exceptional facilities for the payment of fines imposed by the National Superintendency of Labor audit - SUNAFIL under article 13 of legislative decree 1499 ”, which as an Annex forms an integral part of this resolution. Ministerial Resolution 498-2020-MINSA - approves health directive for the comprehensive health care of people with non-communicable diseases. Vice-Ministerial Resolution No. Administrative Resolution No. Mayor's Decree No. SBS Resolution No. Resolution SBS N° 1264-2020/Resolución SBS N° 1264-2020 – modifications to the application of the requirement of effective equity for credit risk regulation. Ministerial Resolution No. Ordinance No. 1475 – provides for the reactivation and promotion of craft activity by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism. Ordinance 433 / MDSJM - grants benefits for the payment of tax and non-tax debts in the district of San Juan de Miraflores, south of Lima. Legislative Decree No. Municipal Ordinance No. Ministerial Resolution 231-2020-MTC/01.03/Resolución Ministerial 231-2020-MTC/01.03 – modification of costs for social services. Administrative Resolution No. Ordinance No. 069-2020-MTC / 04 – establishes a plan for the surveillance, prevention and control of covid-19 at the Ministry of Transport and Communications. Supreme Decree 45-2020-PCM/Decreto Supremo 45-2020-PCM – facilitates return of Peruvian nationals to Peru. 000053-2020-P-CE-PJ, Ministerial Resolution No. 103-2020-PCM – provides guidelines for the attention of citizens on the operation of executive power entities. Law 31026 - declares of urgent national interest and public necessity the promotion, elaboration, packaging, storage, distribution and supply of medicinal oxygen. 047-2020 - establishes economic and financial extraordinary measures to reduce the effect on the fiscal situation of local governments due to the lower collection of income. Mayor's Decree No. Ministerial Resolution No. OSIPTEL proposes a temporary rule to file complaints and appeals via email. 060-2020-P-CE-PJ - approves a project called “Training and Dissemination Plan in Virtual Form”, aimed at justice operators who have been applying the Electronic Judicial Record (EJE). 046-2020 - extraordinary measures, in economic and financial matters, in order to finance the transfer of returnees arriving in Peru from Air Group N ° 08. Regional Ordinance 10-2020-GRA / CR - modifies the regulation for the realization of regional public hearings 2019 - 2022 of the Amazon Regional Government. Mayor's Decree 23-2020-MDP / A - extends the term of validity of Ordinance 238-2020-MDP / C, which established the determination of expiration dates for the payment of property tax and municipal excise taxes for fiscal year 2020. Superintendent Resolution No. Ordinance 2260 - establishes obligations for economic activities and / or services. Executive Presidency Resolution 34-2020-INACAL / PE - approves the list of 13 procedures in charge of the accreditation directorate, whose processing is not subject to the suspension of the computation of start and processing deadlines. Ministerial Resolution No. Ministerial Resolution No. Ministerial Resolution 290-2020-MINSA – establishes general technical guidelines for expanding the capacity of clinical attention before the state of national emergency. 1486 – establishes provisions to improve and optimise the execution of public investments, through mechanisms that allow public entities to execute their investments effectively, with feedback processes and constant improvement during the execution of said investments.

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