The house centipede is thought to be native to the Mediterranean region, but Scutigera coleoptrata Is now well-established throughout Europe, North America, and Asia. It is very likely you have run across them before and been frightened by this pest. House centipedes are skilled hunters that prey on insects and other arthropods. În perimetrul casei, acesta poate fi găsit oriunde. Este un insectivor, se hrănește cu alte artropode, cum ar fi insectele și arahnidele Two of the house centipede’s legs, located right near the head and near the mouth, have been modified to carry venom. People who are especially sensitive to bee stings and other insect bites and stings may need to see a doctor to make sure they don’t have an allergic reaction to the house centipede bite, but most people should feel no effects at all. Adulții pe parcursul vieții năpârlesc de 3 ori, menținându-și numărul de membre. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience and for our, Interesting Behaviors of House Centipedes, Habits and Traits of Centipedes, Class Chilopoda, Differences and Similarities Between a Centipede and a Millipede, Whip Scorpions Look Scary but Don't Sting, B.A., Political Science, Rutgers University. Acest chilopod aduce un mare folos oamenilor, deoarece se hrănește cu diverse insecte dăunătoare din case. The first thing you notice is that the house centipede has a lot of legs. If you live in cities such as Phoenix and are noticing a loft of house centipedes in your home, then you may also have an underlying problem with other pest insects – there’s a reason they want to be in your home and it’s probably to feed! La celelate cinci năpârliri ulterioare se adaugă câte două perechi. În curând Scutigera coleoptrata a fost obsevată chiar și în cele mai îndepărtate regiuni ale globului: Japonia, Australia, Noua Zeelandă și Africa de Sud. They are also capable of holding multiple preys in their legs and if they get any of their legs caught, they can just break them off and scurry away. As you can see from their head, they have two very well-developed eyes and, for an insect, have pretty decent vision. În acest fel, el poate să prindă mai multe insecte în același timp. Sistemul respirator nu are niciun mecanism pentru închiderea stgimelor respiratorii. Click here to find out more. The very name “centipede” hints at that since “centi-” means “hundred.” Although it looks like it has a hundred legs, the fact is that the house centipede has 15 pairs of legs. Ochii fasetați ai Scutigerii îi permit să sesizee lumina albă și razele ultraviolete. And if you've got other pests in your home, it's actually doing some good. Dacă un picior este prins de inamic, atunci ea îl desprinde. Accessed online June 3, 2014. ... ni humanos siendo su picadura algo menos dolorosa que las de las abejas y quedando la zona de la picadura como si fuese una de mosquito. Scutigera coleoptrata a fost observată îngrijind de pontă. Cu tot cu antene, aceasta are vizual între 75 mm – 100 mm în lungime. If this is the case, we recommend contacting the pest experts at your local Western Exterminator office for professional help. Whether it lives outdoors or in, the house centipede prefers cool, damp, and dark locations. If someone is bitten, more than likely it will just cause a reddish bump. House centipedes also have large compound eyes, which is unusual for centipedes. They have proven to be, however, remarkably adaptable and capable of surviving in virtually any climate. Apoi, masculul depune un spermatofor pe terene care este preluat de femelă. Like all centipedes, their front legs are modified into "poison claws" used to inject venom into their prey. © 2020 Rentokil Initial plc and subject to the conditions in the legal statement. Their eyes are very sensitive to light, so more than likely they will find a place to hide during the day. If a predator does manage to grab a leg, the house centipede can shed the limb and flee. Saiba toda a verdade, descubra se a centopéia é capaz de picar você e o que você deve fazer. This athleticism isn't meant to scare you, though, the house centipede is simply well-equipped to pursue and catch prey. House centipedes will seek out a place that is warm and where they can hide and seek prey. It can run at alarming speeds –the equivalent of over 40 mph in human terms. They are very small and narrow, so the space doesn’t have to be very big. The house centipede is light yellow-brown in color, with three dark longitudinal stripes down its body. Of course, house centipedes can become a nuisance, too, like many pests. Within your home, they provide efficient (and free) pest control services for you, as they feed on silverfish, firebrats, cockroaches, carpet beetles, and other household pests. De todos los insectos que invaden los hogares, muchos encuentran en el ciempiés doméstico, también conocido como scutigera coleoptrata, uno de los más temidos.. Es más corto que otros ciempiés, con aproximadamente 30 patas que pueden desprenderse cuando quedan atrapadas. House centipedes look scary, but the facts about them are not scary. Într-un experiment de laborator 24 de scutigere au depus în medie 63 de ouă, iar maximul a fost de 151 de ouă. House centipede antenna are so sensitive they can pick up smells as well as vibrations and other tactile sensations. Când este în repaus, nu e ușor să indentifici capul acesteia. In northern climates, house centipedes remain indoors during cold months but may be seen outside from spring to fall. Scutigera coleoptrata este unul dintre cei mai cunoscuți reprezentanți al clasei Chilopoda.Este un chilopod de culoare galben-gri cu 15 perechi de picioare. În plus, femela mai secretă o substanță contra fungilor. Even people who appreciate bugs can be startled by a house centipede. Do they bite? Just as their speed helps them capture prey, it also enables the centipede to escape predators. Ensure screens are fixed and that cracks in foundations are sealed. Su cuerpo es amarillo grisáceo con tres rayas oscuras longitudinales. They will get in under doors, through cracks and just about any opening. După ce și-a prins victima, o ține strâns cu mandibulele și picioarele anterioare. They would much rather reserve their venom for food and humans just are not something on the menu. House centipedes then use their fangs to hold the prey while injecting poison with the modified front legs. Strangely, the house centipede's detached leg will continue to move for several minutes after its owner has left the scene. A fully grown adult may reach 1.5 inches in body length, but its many long legs make it appear much larger. Corpul său este de culoare galben-gri și are trei dungi dorsale de culoare închisă. The house centipede is thought to be native to the Mediterranean region, but Scutigera coleoptrata Is now well-established throughout Europe, North America, and Asia. All is explained on this page below, so read on. If you are bitten by Scutigera coleoptrata, you aren't likely to suffer much pain. Curiosidades: Es muy veloz. Majoritatea scutigerelor care se întâlnesc în afara caselor, trăiesc sub pietre, piloți de lemn, în grămezi de frunze putrezite. În ciuda prezenții unor ochi fasetați, bine dezvoltați, el preferă să folosescă antenele pentru a detecta prada. Despite this, it’s those long antenna that they use primarily for hunting. Technically, this means that house centipede sting their prey rather than bite, but why quibble? [4] Ei trăiesc în jur de 3 - 7 ani, în funcție de mediu. Do they have a head? However, they have been seen in the wild and in laboratories sneaking up on those types of insects, stinging them, using their legs to get away and then waiting for the venom to take effect before moving in to feed. Lungimea picioarelor se mărește dinspre cap spre telson (pigidiu). It also has two very long antenna on its head and two long appendages on it’s rear-end. Scutigera coleoptrata is carnivorous, eating worms, snails, cockroaches, silverfish, fly larvae, and other arthropods. La eclozare, tinerii au numai patru perechi de picioare. House centipedes like the cool, damp, environment found in places such as Portland, Seattle, Spokane, and other parts of the Northwest. Uma picada de centopéia caseira é perigosa? If you have noticed an increase in the number of house centipedes in your home it may be due to other pest issues. House centipedes look like spiders on steroids, and your first reaction to seeing one might be to kill it.

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