amzn_assoc_asins = "B0028K3CSW,B0761XJ2JX,B01JKM0Y4A,B07DJ8LNM7,B00JJHWR9M,B01JKM0YB8,B00DOKE7DY,B072XGVY28"; © 2020 Symbols and Their Meanings - Mythology and Gods - Mythical Creatures, An Insight into the Elements of the Triquetra, the Trinity Knot. In the Celtic Christian world, the tri-symmetrical shape was quickly interpreted as alluding to the Holy Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. La marque de vêtements TNA, propriété exclusive de la compagnie Aritzia, a un logo composé de trois triquetras. It seems that the older that a symbol is, the more diverse a range of peoples there exists who have adopted it to their own cultures and traditions. It is because the triquetra, despite being of pagan origin, was embraced by the Church at a time when all their writings and rituals were conducted in Latin that we have ended up with this name. Un autre symbole chrétien trinitarien : une triquetra entrelacée avec un cercle (un "nœud de la Trinité"). Le fait que la triquetra apparaissait rarement seule dans l'art celtique a amené à douter de son usage en tant que symbole religieux primaire. Une triquetra est visible sur le personnage Ange du jeu vidéo, Ce symbole apparaît à plusieurs reprises dans la série allemande. This symbol shows a full moon in the center with a waxing moon on one side and a waning moon on the other. While the use of familial crests is virtually dead today, except in select aristocratic circles, the design often finds its way into corporate logos. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; For the pagans who revered nature and saw the hands of their gods in all things, the Three could be God, Goddess and Man; it could represent the three realms, Heaven, Hell and Earth; others could have seen it as the world around us in sky, land and sea; or, as is popular in Wiccan circles today, they could have interpreted the triquetra as the three aspects of the female: Mother, Maiden and Crone. amzn_assoc_linkid = "b60d6e8b9255540687ff8b6f79aba286"; Cette forme a été utilisée pour symboliser des groupes de trois objets ou de trois personnes. In Korea, the use of Taegeuk, which use interlocking curved shapes to form a multi-colored whole is most easily recognized around the world in the Yin-Yang symbol. In such cases, it is easy to trace the story of that symbol’s journey. 22-oct-2018 - La Triqueta es un antiguo símbolo ornamental utilizado por diversas culturas y por lo tanto con un significado diferente, de acuerdo al lugar y la época. Elysium Mythology: What Is Elysium and Why Is it Significant? While the shape obviously lent itself to its name, there is a deeper meaning behind the three-sided shape that many people miss. The symbol has indeed brought great fortune to the company – its revenues account for over 1.4% of Japan’s total GDP. The very earliest representations of the triquetra are actually Indian and date back five thousand years. The moon itself was a strong reference to the female because their menstrual cycles could be timed by it. It appears on their rune stones and has been found on their coins. In light of this evidence, it seems that although the triquetra was adopted by the Celtic Church, it was drastically reduced in importance. The Hidari Gomon, or ‘Leftwise Honoring Pattern’ is found in all shrines of the Shinto religion native to Japan. Cette forme a été utilisée pour symboliser des groupes de trois objets ou de trois personnes. If you like the picture of Triqueta Celta Significado Tattoos, and other photos & images on this website, please share it. In short, the triquetra is one of those symbols that ‘means many things to many people’. Les groupes néopaïens germaniques (les nordisants) qui utilisent la triquetra pour symboliser leurs croyances pensent en général qu'elle est d'origine scandinave et germanique. 5,644 Likes, 56 Comments - Nicky. It can also be said that the triquetra evolved from being a symbol that hinted at the female (mother, maiden, crone) to one that would be interpreted as male (‘Father’ and ‘Son’). In ancient times, it was a symbol of the feminine because it looked like the aperture of birth. The circle on its own is a powerful shape. Así la figura representa a dos personas, unidas en cuerpo, mente, y alma en amor eterno. The triquetra with the interlaced circle has become a popular symbol of love. 7 Interesting Facts About Greek Goddess Aphrodite, Learn About the Meaning of an Eight Pointed Star, Learn More About Aesculapius: The Roman God of Health., Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, La triquetra apparaît souvent comme élément artistique dans l'utilisation des, Plus récemment, le symbole est devenu familier aux spectateurs du feuilleton télévisé, Une triquetra est l'un des quatre symboles figurant sur la couverture de l'album, La double triquetra est utilisée pour représenter la, Au milieu d'autres symboles, on peut voir une triquetra sur le sol du laboratoire, à la fin du jeu vidéo. A popular interpretation today is that the act of combining the triquetra, which itself is unicursal and, therefore, a symbol of eternity, with the circle enhances the power of each of both the elements. L'art celtique est toujours vivant, à la fois comme une tradition folklorique et grâce à plusieurs mouvements de renouveau. On la rencontre aussi dans des ornements similaires des croix celtes et des pierres du début du christianisme. It is not alone in that respect. In reality, the odds are that you have probably seen it hundreds of times but simply not allowed yourself to recognize it as such. Sometimes, the beliefs of different cultures sharing the same symbol may overlap significantly. Check out some creative ink ideas for your next tattoo. The most common representation are triple whorls known as mitsudomoe. It is often seen on engagement and wedding rings and associated decorations and paraphernalia. That is why we often hear the phrases ‘the circle of life’ and ‘the cycle of life and rebirth’. Los dos triskeles, unidos juntos, demuestran un círculo. In this capacity, it is sometimes called the ‘Irish Love Knot’. A trifold repetition of the vesicae piscis referred to three births, which is an idea that predates Christ and we will investigate that a little later. Thus, for the ancient Celts who populated the northern European regions before the rise of Christianity, the triquetra was very closely associated with nature and Life. The oldest evidence of triquetras completes the circle back to India. The tripartite representation is probably most famous as the Triple Goddess. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Most people would assume that this was very exotic and specialized and that they would never have come across a Japanese version of the triquetra before. It consists of Latin versions of the four gospels of the New Testament and has been dated to 800 A.D. (In a pleasant coincidence, the book is kept today in Dublin at Trinity College). Sometimes, the triquetra is also depicted with a circle interlocking the triangular shape. Triquetra sur une des pierres runiques de Funbo (en), dans le parc de l'Université d'Uppsala. The beauty of the triquetra is that what appears to be a rather complicated shape is actually comprised of just three lines. In Japan, the design of a tomoe, interpreted as a ‘wishing’ or a ‘hoping’, that was used on family crests comes very close to resembling a triquetra in form. It is a common belief that the circle can be used to represent eternity because it has no start and no end. Dans les manuscrits, elle était utilisée surtout comme ornement ou pour remplir des espaces vides de compositions bien plus complexes. That is also another aspect that receives special attention later in this piece. Here's the meaning behind the Celtic Trinity knot (also known as a triquetra), plus beautiful tattoo inspiration. Interestingly, the Germanic people are one of the peoples most closely associated with the Indo-European race, the Aryans. Triquetra bleue faisant partie d'un symbole décoratif entrelacé du christianisme trinitarien. Los Celtas: La Triqueta... ☪ La triqueta es un talismán de origen celta cuya antigüedad datada es mayor de 5500 años, su nombre viene del latín y significa tres esquinas. En symbologie, une triquetra (mot dérivé du latin tri-, « trois » et quetrus, « pourvu de coins ») est un symbole constitué de trois vesicae piscis, parfois accompagné d'un cercle intérieur ou extérieur1.

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